
Podcast / Vidcast

   Easy way to produce a podcast! Soundcloud enables one to create sounds or upload sounds and share them through the app.  Here is my podcast about language learning. https://soundcloud.com/language-learning Now, time for vidcast about language learning. https://youtu.be/languagelearning I gave brief information abot language learning. In the end I recommend some apps.

VR - Virtual Reality

     What is virtual reality? Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings. This environment is perceived through a device known as a Virtual Reality headset or helmet. To allow this feeling of presence, a VR headset is used, such as the ones available for borrow at OISE Library. Other notable examples of VR headsets include Oculus Rift, Smsung Gear VR, HTC Vive, Google Daydream View, or Google Cardboard.  These headsets remove vision of the real world and provide video to each eye allowing for depth of vision. This technology is then supported by head and body tracking to connect the virtual world to what the user is seeing. While the term virtual reality may be used to describe different types of immersive experiences or altered reality experiences, it is not the same as augmented reality. Virtual Reality uses VR headsets or closed head-mounted displays (HMDS) to c


  As a parallel virtual reality universe, IMVU stands for “In My Virtual Universe.” It's not a game, but rather a collection of “chat rooms” that you visit with 3-D avatars you create. It's kind of like Roblox, in that you can design virtual environments to interact with others in. IMVU enables practical interface. Firstly you should sign up. Then there are steps for creating your avatar, your rooms. In the app there are sections as feed, chats, home page, and shopping page.  With your avatar you can visite rooms and chat with others. you can make friends, take pictures and share them in the feed page. You can buy clothes, jewelry, shoes and more. App provides a virtual environment that you can do whatever you want. Of course within the framework of mutual respect. I use IMVU. I have an avatar. Her name is Daisy. This image basically shows my profile. I mentioned about making friends.  Here is mine. If you find use the app, you can add me as a friend if you want.  My nickname i
                                Steve AI is a patented artificial intelligence tool that  enables anyone to create videos and animation . It's designed to save time for video makers, marketers, and salespeople to create video campaigns faster than ever before. The AI provides practical usage for users.  It has already templates for animations, and sizes for various apps. There are avatars and gifts. You can add them into animations or videos, also you can redesign them while you add them. These animations are beneficial for any field. For Language learning, especially for young learners these animations you create in Steve AI are interesting and entertaining. So the goal of learning happens in an easy and amusing way. Also I made an animation for the topic of birthday invitations. I used a template then I redesigned it. I changed my avatar and then get dressed them. I added some gifts. In the end short, cute animation showed up. Here is the link for my animation:   SteveAI/birthda

Web 2.0 / Mind Map

 With many areas of Web 2.0, the new tools and approaches are only a development of the true potential of the web platform. This gives us a key insight into how to design educational uses for these services. Web 2.0 presents a lots of chance in terms of educational aspects. Web 2.0 provides  best practices: student engagement and interaction in learning, and student ownership and management of learning. There are lots of apps, websites and etc. thanks to Web 2.0. We should learn how to use it, how it can be beneficial for us, or over a topic.    Here is the link of my mind map about the essay of social networking as a educational tool. https://www.mindmeister.com/map/2742874834

edPuzzle / NearPod / Mindmeister

  Edpuzzle is an online video editing and formative assessment tool that lets teachers cut, crop, and organize videos. But it does so much more, too. Edpuzzle  is an online tool that allows teachers to pull in personal and web-based videos, like YouTube, to be cropped and used with other content. This can mean adding in voiceovers, audio commentaries, extra resources, or even embedded assessment questions. Unlike a traditional video editor, this is more about getting clips into a format that allows teachers to engage directly with students on a subject. It also has the capacity to offer assessments based on the content and offers lots of controls that allow for the use of video even in more strict school scenarios. The result is a modern platform that's engaging for students but is also very easy to use for teachers. It's even crammed full of curriculum-specific content to further help in teacher progress with students. Edpuzzle allows teachers to share their work so

Podcast / SoundCloud

     It can be understood from the title, our new technological tool that can be used for education is SoundCloud.    The app provides a place for recording your audio for any topic and sharing your recordings.   Actually it is a wieldy app. There is a home page that shows you sections that includes various topics. There is a feed page that shows your own sharings. Also for searching and finding your saved recordings, there are pages too.   I shared a track about language learning. It is a brief track firstly I defined language learning, then I mentioned about second or third language learning processes.   You can find my track from this link; Fromtheblueside/podcast