In this blog post, I am going to talk about the video of educational technology speeches with Prof. Dr. Soner YILDIRIM that is provided by Istanbul University- Cerrahpasa.
 Starting with the definition of learning, Prof. Dr. Soner YILDIRIM mentions every detail of our brain activities when learning occurs and he ends up the video with the teaching techniques. 
here is the link of the video.
It’s important to clarify what we are referring to when we talk about learning. Educational researchers agree that learning is much deeper than memorization and information recall. 
It starts with the birth and continues through the life to death.

Then we can ask, 'What does learning mean?'
''Learning is the time-dependent change or development of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. However, we can not identify the things that can't be observable. That's why evaluation is important.''

The brain’s information storage capacity is around 1 quadrillion bytes. All of the information that we learn have its place in our brain.  So, the storage is never an issue with the brain. 
When you are learning, important changes take place in your brain, including the creation of new connections between your neurons. This phenomenon is called neuroplasticity. The more you practice, the stronger these connections become.

The fundamental building blocks of the brain are called neurons, and there are about 86 billion such neurons in every individual.
  • The connecting points between neurons, called synapses, is where learning occurs. Yet the synapses alone store recollections of only the most elementary reflexes.
  • Learning and memory require the coupling of information from many different brain regions. This activity alters the physical structure of myelin, the insulating material surrounding the wiring that connects neurons.
  • Myelin plays a key role in learning by adjusting the speed of information transmission through neural networks.

 For more effective learning, it is important to spread the action over many days like repeating the task again and again. This will allow neurons to steadily strengthen. New information allows memories to be associated with the task. When memory neurons are active, they can form new connections and strengthen the existing ones. With the passing of time, a level of comprehension is reached when you get it instantly. 

During the learning process, students may experience various cognitive, motivational or affective challenges that affect their learning.
To get the student's attention the usage of virtual contexts takes a significant place in the learning process. Also, virtual contexts are the most remembered part of the lessons according to researchs. 

When we gather up all the components of the learning process, there should be a design of them in a structured way for learners.
Designing a lesson creates an environment where learners can feel comfortable and also it makes classes more efficient, fruitful. It provides interactive learning.


Padlet is a free virtual board in which you can create a single or multiple walls that are able to house all the posts you want to share. From videos and images to documents and audio, it is literally a blank slate. It's collaborative, too, allowing you to involve students, other teachers, and even parents and guardians.

Who you share that with is up to you as a moderator. It can be public, open to all, or you can place a password on the wall. You can only allow invited members to use the wall, which is the ideal setup for education. Share the link and anyone invited can enter easily. 

My favorite Padlet feature is that It provides you the chance to use it both as an anonym and as a Padlet user. So if you don't want to show your answers with your name, you can use it as an anonym. Also, it is easy to use Padlet, even if you don't know how to use it, Padlet presents its screen clearly for you. So you can create a board about everything easily.

To get posting, double-click anywhere on the board. Then you can drag files, paste files, or even use the Save As bookmark with Padlet mini. Or simply click the plus icon in the lower right corner and add it that way. This can be images, videos, audio files, links, or documents.

From a brainstorming board to a live questions bank, there are lots of ways to use Padlet, limited only by your imagination. Even that limit can be overcome by allowing the board to be collaborative so your students can use their imaginations to grow it in new directions.



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